Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm 32 not 23.....

A subject was brought up with a recent client that I wanted to address.  'What do you do when you look 23 but really are 32?  I know BIIIIGGG freak'n problem right. Especially in a world when most of us are trying to look 23 again. wink.  But in the professional or dating world when you're looking to gain respect or make an impression, one of immaturity may not be the desired effect.  So here are some tips on how to dress so you CAN make that sophisticated, got it together, first impression.
What to AVOID VS What to HAVE
PUFFY sleeves SCREAMS I'm 12.  Remember you are what you wear so if you wear cutesy your going to look cutesy and if you're trying to look more sophisticated then it's not the silhouette for you.  This IS NOT saying that everyone should avoid a puff sleeve but if you're trying to look more sophisticated...
A clean line silhouette that speaks 'sophistication' is what to HAVE. Nothing about this top says too cutesy or too young.
Too youthful print.  Again, "you are what you wear"so choose sophisticated graphics NOT super   girly youthful prints you'd see on a child or tween.
Choose a pattern that is still fun but more sophisticated is much more appropriate.  Ask yourself,"What does this pattern say?". You will have an answer...if you're questioning, that means it isn't right. Trust your instincts.
Too tight too short, ill fitting.  Need I say more.  But I will. wink.  Ill fitting clothes make you look ignorant.  We all know when something doesn't fit DO!
FIT is THE MOST important element to personal style period but when clothes are ill fitting or you look like you're trying to squeeze into something it is NOT age appropriate.

Beware of where your ruffles are and how much you were frilling.  Too much frill is too much.

Do ruffles AWAY from your face and in a way that's more sophisticated. Again ask yourself "is this sophisticated or not" question it? It probably isn't right.

So the key here is this, if you want to LOOK sophisticated then WEAR sophisticated.  Avoid anything too tight, too short or too sparkly but HAVE FUN!  I am not saying wear boring because let me tell you, we mature women are anything but boring! wink.

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